Pinewood Derby

Pack 673's Pinewood Derby

"Be Fast... or Look Good Trying"

The pinewood derby is one of the most popular and successful family activities in Cub Scouting. Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that Cub Scouts make with help from their families. Then they race the cars in competition. The cars are powered by gravity and run down a track. Every Scout can design and build their own "grand prix" car to enter in the race.

(NOTE: Links and information about race day will be updated once we know the plans for this year's Pinewood Derby given COVID restrictions.)

Race Day

The Derby will be held at the St. Cecilia School Cafeteria on a date TBD. Join us for a full day of fun! Concessions will be available. This is a family event so bring the grandparents, uncles, cousins, and anyone else who might enjoy the race!

Volunteer Needs and Race Day Schedule

Click HERE to volunteer and RSVP to attend the Derby Race!!!

Track and Race Room Set up

Date: TBD

Volunteers Needed: Lion, Tiger and Wolf Adults (Den Leaders and Parents/Grandparents)

  • Setup done by the den adults only - No children, please

  • Meet at 911 Bldg at 6:30 pm to load the track, equipment, etc., then head across the street to the SCCS' cafeteria to set everything up

  • Pickup Trucks and SUVs helpful if you have one!

  • Setup time goes from 6:30 until finished

Kick-off for Scouting for Food & RACE DAY!!!

Date: TBD

Race Day Schedule:

Volunteers Needed: Race Officials to Run Races, Webelos/AoL (Scouts and Parents) to Run Concessions, Bear Den (Scouts and Parents) to Clean up

11:00 am: Scouting for Food Door Hanger Distribution: Scout volunteers (w/parent) meet at SCCS cafeteria entrance on Denise Street to pick up door hangers and instructions to distribute hangers throughout neighborhood surrounding St. Cecilia. This is a very quick and easy volunteer opportunity! Click HERE to volunteer for the food drive door hanger distribution on January 25th or food collection on February 1st!

11:30 am - 1:15 pm: Derby Workshop Open: Do you need to fine-tune your car, put the finishing touches, add a little graphite? Bring your own supplies and we provide the space. You can use the test scale to check your weight prior to official weigh-in. Note that you may begin official check-in any time after 12 p.m.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm: Official check in and weigh-in of cars: Weight not to exceed 5 oz. in order to be legal. Please see official Pack rules HERE. All cars MUST be checked in by 1:30 pm in order to participate. No exceptions.

2:00 pm - Official Start of Races

5:00(ish) pm - Races to finish

***Bear Den (Scouts and parents) to clean up immediately after the last race***

Snack Concession Table will be run by the Webelos during the race. Light snacks and drinks are available for purchase. This is not a fundraiser. This is meant to teach the Webelos how to "do business" while providing refreshements for attendees. Any excess funds beyond cost will be used to purchase canned goods for the food drive to benefit East Spring Branch Food Pantry as part of our Scouting for Food Drive.

Race Day Admission "Fee"

The cost of admission to the derby will be at least one of the following per person:

  • Non-perishable food items including:

    • Canned items (soup, fruit, tomatoes, vegetables, beans, tuna/chicken, etc.)

    • Packaged food items (rice, dry beans, pasta, peanut butter, condiments, cereal, etc.)

    • Baby food or Baby care items

    • Personal care items (toothpaste, tooth brushes, lotion, bar soap, deodorant, etc.)

All items collected will be donated to the East Spring Branch Food Pantry as part of our Pack's Scouting for Food Drive!

Prizes and Recognition

The Derby is about doing one's best and having fun, so all child participants will be recognized with a patch. But that doesn't mean our race winners won't take home some shiny hardware. Awards will also be given for special categories! Check out our Recognition and Awards page for more info.

Equal Ground

All entries in the derby will start with the "Official Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit" which includes the body, 4 axles, and 4 wheels. All nine pieces MUST be used before the car can race. The Pack will provide one kit per active Scout. Parents and siblings may purchase their kit for $5 from the Pack or at the local Scout Shop. Cars may not exceed 5 ounces in weight and must conform to certain size restrictions and specifications per our official Pack rules. Decorating the cars are up to the imagination of the Scouts.