Popcorn Fundraiser

Pack 673 needs your support!

Pack 673 is selling Pecatonica River Popcorn to raise funds for our pack to support Scout activities. Note this is a new vendor! All sales are online via the Pecatonica River Popcorn online store at www.prpopcornstore.com is shipped directly to you.

IMPORTANT: When purchasing please enter the Seller ID for the Scout you are supporting - seller IDs and popcorn store links with the Scout Seller IDs pre-populated are below. If you do not want popcorn at this time, Pecatonica Popcorn offers a donation option where the popcorn is shipped to our Troops. We thank you for your support!

SCOUT FAMILIES: To personalize your Scout's sales page, please check both parent's e-mail accounts for an email from pops@prpopcorn.com. Don't see the email or still need assistance? E-mail us and our Popcorn Kernel can help!


PR Popcorn Scout Link