Lion Uniform


Your Scout should be encouraged to wear their uniform appropriately, although rules are more lax for the Lions! Please encourage your Lion to tucked in their shirt and help them to understand the importance of representing the entire BSA organization and our Pack while in uniform. However, it is more important for the Lion to be comfortable and have fun then to have their shirt tucked in, so don't sweat it!

About the Uniform: The Lion uniform is meant to be comfortable and fun! While the t-shirts are required, the navy bottoms are optional. The Lion Scout may wear any bottoms that are comforatble with their Lion or Pack t-shirt. The neckerchief and slide is only required for special occassions, and the belt is an optional but fun accessory to show off their achievement belt loops! Read below for more information.

Pro tip: If you purchase the official navy bottoms and belt, these may be worn for the next 5 years, so you may want to size up to maximize your investment and avoid having to purchase every year. However, comfort should always be prioritized for a Lion!

Click here to view the Lion Uniform on Scout Shop

NOTES: Purchasing from our Local Scout Shops (we have a few locations in Houston) supports our local Sam Houston Area Council, while the online Scout Shop does not. Please consider purchasing locally.

Be sure to READ BELOW BEFORE PURCHASING to see what the Pack supplies vs. what you need to buy!


For purchase by parents (required):

Provided by Pack:



Lion Den does not require any uniform patches!

Where to Purchase Items

All items, except the Class B t-shirt, may be purchased at the local Scout Shop or ordered from the official online Scout Shop at Note that purchases at our local Scout Shop help to support the Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC) while on-line purchases do not. If possible, please support SHAC scouting and buy local!

Wearing the Uniform

In general, every Cub Scout should wear their Class A uniform to all Cub Scouting activities, including Pack and Den meetings, unit outings, and any activities done with members of the Pack or Den.

When playing sports, going to camp, or participating in other physical activities, a pack may opt to have the Cub Scouts wear their Class B Uniforms. This will be indicated in the event invite.

If you are unclear on the uniform requirements for an event, please ask your Den Leader.

Pack leaders will provide advance notice of any occasion when the youth should wear anything other than the complete uniform.

Here are some tips for wearing the uniform:

Any time you are uncertain about uniform regulations, ask the Den Leader for guidance.