Sky is the Limit

The Council held a Virtual Day Camp this summer where Tiger Scouts were able to earn the Sky is the Limit Adventure Belt Loop.

If you missed it, have no fear. You can work on this with your Scout at home. It's all here in this post!

Sky is the Limit Tasks

Complete Requirements 1 -3 plus at least one other.

1. With your den or parent/guardian/other caring adult, go outside to observe the night sky. Talk about objects you see or might see. Video 1

2. Look at a distant object through a telescope or binoculars. Show how to focus the device you chose. (Also part of Video 1 above)

  • Supply List

    • binoculars or telescope

3. Find out about two astronauts who were Scouts when they were younger. Share what you learned with your den. Video 2

4. Observe in the sky or select from a book, chart, computer, or electronic device two constellations that are easy to see in the night sky. With your parent/guardian or other caring adult, find out the names of the stars that make up the constellation and how the constellation got its name. Share what you found with your den.

5. Draw and name your own constellation. Share your constellation with your den. Video 3

6. Create a homemade model of a constellation. (Also part of Video 3 above)

  • Supply List for Requirements 5 & 6

    • Print

      • "Planet Color Page"

      • "Space Color Page"

    • blank, white paper

    • pencil

    • tin can

    • permanent, black marker

    • hammer

    • nail

    • safety glasses

    • flashlight

7. Find out about two different jobs related to astronomy. Share this information with your den.

8. With your den or family, visit a planetarium, observatory, science museum, astronomy club, or college or high school astronomy teacher. Before you go, write down questions you might want to ask. Share what you learned

Planet Color Page.pdf
Space Color Page.pdf